1812: Jon plus epicfail

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This article's title is incorrect due to technical limitations. The correct title is 1812: Jon plus #epicfail.

Jon plus #epicfail
Made by: unstattedCommoner

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, Jon asked Garfield if he found his list of ways to keep the house cleaner. Garfield told Jon that he did, and he also told him that he wiped his feet on it. Garfield seemed to be smiling in the third panel. Jon doesn't have anything attached to his face.

Here, Jon has papers stapled to his face, and he asked if he found his list of ways to make the house safer, which was also stapled to his face. Garfield told Jon that he did, because Jon has stapled it to his own face. Garfield's expression doesn't change in this comic.

The author would tell you that you'd think common sense would be sufficient to prevent such incidents such as blenders being glued to, or papers being stapled to, one's face. Not so in Jon's house, I think. This is yet another one of those "house cleaning" gags again.

The Author Writes:[edit | edit source]

You'd think that common sense would be sufficient to prevent such incidents as blenders being glued to, or papers being stapled to, one's face. Not so in Jon's house.

Original Strip: 2006-11-04, 2014-01-07.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: {with papers stapled to his face} Did you see my list of ways to make the house safer?
Garfield: Yes, I did, Jon.
Garfield: You've stapled them to your face.