2205: Super Garfield 3D World

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Super Garfield 3D World
Made by: Densetsu Bros

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original, Garfield whacked Jon in the head, making him see quintuple. Here, Garfield is holding a Double Cherry from the Wii U game Super Mario 3D World, referenced in the title. The item can make up to five clones, so Garfield isn't quite using it to its full potential, but pretty close.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Alternate title: "Garfield plus Garfield plus Garfield plus Garfield plus Garfield".

Original strip: 1997-03-23.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Gaar-field.
Jon: How about a kitty treat, Garfield?
SFX: FLIP {Jon flips a kitty treat into Garfield's mouth}
Jon: Sorry, only one treat per kitty.
{Garfield looks under a newspaper}
Jon: {to five Garfields, one of whom is holding a Double Cherry} Wow! Five kitties.