247: Oh Snap!

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Oh Snap!
Made by: Manyhills

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original, it was the woman who was the computer programmer, and Jon who asked for a date. Garfield's remark indicated that he didn't miss a beat.

Here, Jon claims to be a computer programmer (he may as well; how often does his last known profession come up?) and it's the woman who asks for a date. Garfield then calls the writing "unrealistic", based on the idea that a computer programmer would have been too busy learning how to program to work on things like social skills and hygiene. The author jokes that a computer programmer who doesn't fit this stereotype will be so occupied with a partner as to not take the time to complain.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I came up with this idea before remembering the likely audience. Thankfully anyone with evidence to the contrary will be too busy necking to complain.

Original strip: 1983-04-21.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: {on a beach, to a woman} I'm a computer programmer.
Woman: How about a date?
Garfield: Such unrealistic writing.