2560: Ventura Ventura Space People

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Ventura Ventura Space People
Made by: Herr Cactus

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, Jon thought of a change, so he left, now he's back with a checkered table. Garfield says it's a start. In this strip, Jon thought of a change, so he left, and now Jon is a piece of the Milky Way. Garfield smiles and says, "Now there's a change you don't get to see everyday." The title is a reference to the song that was made by Shinobu in 2004.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 2000-04-24, with help from 2015-09-08.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: We need a change.
{Jon is away, Garfield blank stares in boredom}
{Jon is now a piece of the Milky Way}
Garfield: {smiles} That's a change you don't get to see everyday.