2923: Garfield Minus Garfield Beginnings

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Garfield Minus Garfield Beginnings
Made by: GullWingDoors

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the first original Garfield strip, Jon introduces himself and calls himself a cartoonist. He's called a cartoonist because he draws cartoons. Jon points to his orange cat named Garfield. Garfield introduces himself and calls himself a cat, and Garfield introduces Jon. Jon and Garfield's thought is to entertain the readers to enjoy the first comic. Garfield tells Jon that he must be fed.

In this first strip made by the author, Garfield has been removed from the strip (as well as the second and third panels) and Jon introduces himself because he's a cartoonist and he wants to be fed. Jon points to... well, nothing in a drawer board. It is seen that Jon is standing alone in an artist's office. And here marks the first strip minus Garfield.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 1978-06-19.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Hi there, I'm Jon Arbuckle. I'm a cartoonist. Feed me.