3287: America's Funniest Home Videos

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America's Funniest Home Videos
Made by: Meteo Archon

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, there was a Garfield Sunday title logo, where Jon was in front of the G in a red background, Arlene was in front of an A in a light blue background, Garfield ate the R beside the F in a green background, Odie was in front of the F, I, and E in a purple background, Nermal's head was seen under the L in the orange background, and Liz was under the D in the dark pink background. In the first panel, Jon got hit in the head with a bouncy ball while he was drinking coffee. Then, in the second panel, Jon got splattered in the face by Garfield's dish full of food. In the third panel, Jon walked into a rake and stepped on it, and the handle of the rake hits him in the face! In the fourth panel, Jon's trying to hammer a nail, but he hammered his thumb instead which makes him scream painfully. In the fifth panel, Jon tries to put a lightbulb into a lamp socket, but ends up getting his finger stuck in a lamp socket which makes a humming noise. In the sixth panel, Jon has a bag that has a watermelon inside, but it dropped on Jon's foot and made Jon scream very painfully. Finally, Jon and Liz are watching all of Jon's painful actions on the television, Liz Wilson doesn't want to look, so she covers his eyes like she is doing right now in this comic, and Jon watches all of his painful stuff, and he looks very scared and shocked, and yet, disturbed. Garfield looks at the reader, happy and smiling. Garfield loves home videos in the original comic.

In this Square Root of Minus Garfield comic, Garfield's thought bubble has been changed. Garfield says that he loves America's Funniest Home Videos because Tom Bergeron was the person who showed people all of the funny stuff in that show that aired on ABC Television. Some funny stuff happened in this comic right there but lots of funny stuff happened in that show.

The author calls the comic a fairly obvious one that involved something far more familiar and had more of a point to it, that has only a minor dialogue swap to bring massive changes. The author liked seeing all these ones like People Falling Down to Music on that show, and it even had a game on the PC where people went to a different house, put together clips and they sometimes slot the clips into some Mad Libs story spoofing a particular genre like The Dashing Pirates, Spy Films, Star Trek, and other particular genres. The author asks if ANYONE ever has or vaguely ever knew about the game.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This is another fairly obvious one that involves something far more familiar and has more of a point to it, that has only a minor dialogue swap to bring massive changes. I liked seeing all those stupid ones of People Falling Down to Goofy Music on that show, and even had a PC Game where you went to different parts of the house, putting together clips and sometimes slotting the clips into some Mad Libs story spoofing a particular genre (Dashing Pirates, Spy Films, Star Trek...), did ANYONE have, or even vaguely know about this game?

Original strip: 2015-04-12.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon gets hit in the head by a ball while drinking coffee}
{Jon gets hit in the face by Garfield's food dish}
{Jon steps on a rake, the handle of which hits him in the face}
{Jon has hammered his thumb}
{Jon has stuck his finger in a lamp socket}
{Jon drops a watermelon on his foot}
{Jon, Liz and Garfield are watching all these things occur on TV. Jon and Liz are shocked at what they see, ashamed. Garfield is amused.}
Jon {on TV}: YAH! YAH! YAH!
Garfield: I love America's Funniest Home Videos