3379: Do you think it's gonna make him change?

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Do you think it's gonna make him change?
Made by: H.R. Chunkinstuff

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, Jon is reading a newspaper, and Garfield has a pair of scissors. The pair of scissors start doing the snipping sound for at least twelve times. Jon gets annoyed at Garfield and he'll let him know if he sees a cat food coupon for Garfield to look at.

Here, Garfield uses a pair of scissors to cut Jon's hair, making Jon have a bald patch.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Hi. Long time reader, first time contributor*. I've been reading SRoMG for quite some time now, but have never really considered making my own until a little over an hour ago. This strip isn't anything too special. I found the Garfield strip that was published on my birthday and decided to make it a bit more entertaining. This was the result. Pretty mediocre, really.

Original strip: 2002-06-26.

[*at time of writing -Ed]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon is reading a newspaper as Garfield stands behind him, holding a pair of scissors. He is smiling quite deviously}
{Garfield proceeds to cut Jon's hair. Jon appears quite miffed}
{Garfield is no longer in frame. Jon, now with a bald patch, continues to read the paper, seemingly unaware of what just happened}