3413: Jon Gives Up

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Jon Gives Up
Made by: Fastfur07

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, Jon was talking to Jane on the phone, saying that she has won the grand prize, which was a night out with him. She'd rather have a dishwasher instead. Garfield would have told her to counter it with a bun warmer.

Here, Jane would rather have a cheeseboard instead of a night out with Jon. Garfield would tell Jane if she pressed the big blue button.

The author's note tells you if you played Give Up by Tasselfoot, otherwise this would make no sense if you have never played the game.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Have you played Give Up by Tasselfoot? This makes NO sense if you haven't.

Original strip: 1995-01-20.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon {on the phone}: Jane, congratulations! You have won the grand prize!
Jon: A night out with Jon Arbuckle!
Jon {talking to Garfield and covering the phone}: She'd rather have a cheeseboard.
Garfield: Has she pressed the big blue button?