4160: One Even Better/Worse

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One Even Better/Worse
Made by: Camwoodstock & Tori

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip is part of an effort of intentional lazy edits designed to lampoon lazy edits; as such, it reduces the strip down to one panel with one spoken line, one-upping 3673: One Better by paring down one panel and one letter from another from that strip. The authors in their notes believed that this was the end of the trend, but this strip would be one-upped by 4704: One-downsmanship, which basically copied this strip putting in pretty much no new effort of their own--right down to reusing the same file--and thus continued the intentional lazy-edit trend. An earlier branch of continuing to one-up the effort saw 4415: More Worserer replace the dialogue using obviously-edited white rectangles behind said text, and 4543: let's get lazier!! from there turn Jon and Garfield in the latter two panels replaced by crude MS Paint caricatures; yet another branch of the trend, 4576: Taking Lazy To The Next Level, simply took this strip's file and color-inverted it.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Upon seeing SRoMG #3673, I knew what had to be done. Make it even lazier! This edit took me all of 12-18 seconds, give or take. If anyone can make this even lazier, be my guest, but for now I'll consider this as far as we can take this trilogy...

Original strip: 2015-01-06.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Lazy edit