4188: By the Inverse Function Law, Minus Garfield

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By the Inverse Function Law, Minus Garfield
Made by: Memes-In-Your-Dreams

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

(√-Garfield)² = -Garfield.

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strips: 2008-11-15, 2008-11-17, 2008-11-22.

Original strips: 2008-11-05, 2008-11-15, 2008-11-18.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Flea: Hello, I'm a flea
Garfield: Excuse me just a moment
Garfield: Have we dynamite?
Garfield: Excuse me just a moment
Jon: Garfield, all I think about is Liz...
Garfield: We can't get our minds off that ham in the fridge
Garfield: Have we dynamite?
Garfield: We can't get our minds off that ham in the fridge
Garfield {eating the fractals with a spoon}: There's no such thing...

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This strip's author's notes were hit by mojibake errors in a later site recoding effort; the original author's notes unaffected by mojibake are currently lost to the public due to this.