4486: Let the EATS Control Your Body

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Let the EATS Control Your Body
Made by: David Oxford

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

In 2019, I had the thrill of attending the grand opening of the local GarfieldEATS restaurant in Toronto. In 2020, thanks to COVID and other pandemic-fueled shenanigans, it closed its storefront, and now delivers its delicious (no joke, they're my favorite) lasagnas around Ontario, albeit in a frozen state.

The whole thing inspired this strip. Or rather, strips. The first one came to me when I realized that the main purpose was to feed the fans/customers, so a quick swap of the punchline worked. Then I remembered the restaurant was also all about "entergaging" customers with Garfield cartoons and games via an app, so I quickly made up a second version. (My wife prefers the first.)

4486 1.png

Version 2 transcript:

Nathen: Hi, there... I'm Nathen Mazri. I'm an entrepreneur, and this is my cat, Garfield.
Garfield: Hi, there. I'm Garfield. I'm a cat, and this is my entrepreneur, Nathen.
Nathen: Our only thought is to entergage you.
Garfield: Feed me.

Original strip: 1978-06-19.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Nathen: Hi, there... I'm Nathen Mazri. I'm an entrepreneur, and this is my cat, Garfield.
Garfield: Hi, there. I'm Garfield. I'm a cat, and this is my entrepreneur, Nathen.
Nathen: Our only thought is to feed you.
Garfield: Entertain me.