462: Garfield Plus Beats in the Beat Panel

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Garfield Plus Beats in the Beat Panel
Garfield Plus Beats in the Beat Panel.png
Made by: Nyperold

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The original strip had a non-specific reference to video games. This edit places three video game characters named Beat (each from separate games) in the beat panel - an easy visual pun.

From top to bottom:

(Incidentally, both Mega Man and Eternal Sonata have various characters named after musical concepts.)

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 2006-11-17.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Guys! I'm back from my date! Did you miss me?

{Jon is shocked as Beat, Beat, and Beat appear before him.}

Jon: Can you pause the video game for a second?!