4761: Platarbuckle vs Garfogines

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Platarbuckle vs Garfogines
Made by: Garlene1987

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I searched to make sure this hadn't been done in one that's already public, and I kinda hope I'm the first to think of this, but on the the other hand I'd be kinda sad if I am because this is probably the funniest moment in Greek history, maybe even philosophy history. Also, if that Garfield Nicktoon ever gets off the ground, I hope Stretch is in it. (Seriously though, what the heck is going on with that? #WhereIsTheGarfieldNicktoon ?)

Original strip: 1998-06-07.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon, angrily for some reason, points at Garfield who is holding his rubber chicken, Stretch}
Jon: A man is a featherless biped
{Garfield looks shocked/confused}
{Garfield then points into the air and declares:}
Garfield: BEHOLD, A MAN!
{Garfield whacks Jon with Stretch}