478: Garfield (something that sounds a bit like "minus") Garfield

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This article's title is incorrect due to technical limitations. The correct title is 478: Garfield [something that sounds a bit like "minus"] Garfield.

Garfield [something that sounds a bit like "minus"] Garfield
Made by: Manyhills

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Here, the author attempts to discourage further instances of this meme from being made by implying whatever image you might wish to substitute for the original second panel.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

There. You can stop making them now.

Original strip: 2001-11-28.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: The world is constantly changing.
Caption: [image related to middle word of title]
Garfield: They haven't stopped making frozen pudding pops, have they?