5096: I'm Standing Right Here

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I'm Standing Right Here
Made by: Kavviyenta

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

A different take on SRoMG #875. Is Garfield headdesking because of the joke or because Jon has the gall to say that while Liz is here? Take your pick.

Original strips: 1995-03-16, 2008-09-18, 2009-07-28, 2010-05-03, 2016-05-16.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon {to Liz}: Why don't we stay in tonight, and have a candlelight dinner for...
{Suddenly, Garfield pops up between the two, wearing a bib around his neck}
Jon {glaring at Garfield}: ...TWO
Garfield {to Liz}: Bye now
Jon: Her. Not you. HER
Garfield {sulking}: I hope your arugula is rubbery
Jon: That's what she said!
Liz {exasperatedly}: Joooon...