755: Comic in a Blender

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Comic in a Blender
Comic in a Blender.png
Made by: Manyhills (idea), superluser (actual strip)

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, Jon and the blender were the focus of the first panel, and the punchline is Garfield remarking "Is it Saturday night already?" Feeling that this was rather underwhelming (after all, the simple physical comedy of Jon somehow gluing a blender to his face is all you really need), Manyhills took to the Irregular Webcomic! forums to remark on this, to which superluser provided this edit (where Jon's plain-faced remark is the punchline).

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

manyhills wrote in the forum:

While browsing for ideas I came across the 2008-04-26 strip.

I kinda wonder why Davis didn't just stop writing after the first panel. No matter what you put in panels two and three, it's just gonna be a disappointment.

superluser wrote:

How I'd do it:

Original strip: 2008-04-26.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon has a blender on his face; Garfield looks shocked}
{Jon has a blender on his face; Garfield looks shocked}
Jon: I glued a blender to my face.

Later references[edit | edit source]