899: Garfa-Shave

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Made by: Andrew Kepple

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Burma-Shave is a brand of brushless shaving cream famous for its humorous rhyming roadside signs.

The original second sign didn't rhyme with the third; the author changed the text ("THRILLS GALORE!") to do so, and put the first sign and it in cadence with the third.

The third panel reuses the Garfield from the first panel, and the fourth panel -- with a Burma-Shave sign and real-life chihuahua -- uses the Garfield originally put there.

The author was unable to find a chihuahua in the actual strip, but a dog that might be one is in this strip, notably used for No. 152.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The Burma-Shave gag works on its own but I couldn't resist putting a little hairless chihuahua in there as well. (I couldn't find a Davis-drawn one, though.)

Original strip: 2010-01-19.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield walks past a sign reading "BEWARE OF DOG"}
{Garfield walks past a sign reading "HE'LL EAT YOUR KITTEN!"}
{Garfield walks past a sign reading "YOU MUST BE THIS TALL TO BE BITTEN"}
{Garfield stops at sign reading "Burma-Shave" with a tiny, hairless dog sitting next to it.}