1046: Continuity Fixed Garfield
Continuity Fixed Garfield |
![]() Made by: Lubaf |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
This strip was based on the fact that the 2012 original Garfield strip incorrectly recalling the first depicted meeting between Jon and Liz, and the author sought to correct it. The author explains their choice of reasoning of what they believed to be the first thing Liz said to Jon in the author's notes, further revealing that Jon wasn't even wearing a tie in the 1979 strip like the 2012 strip implied.
This strip was published the day after 1045: The First Thing You Said, which used Liz's first line in the Garfield strip, which this author interpreted as being spoken to her co-worker as opposed to Jon himself. The disagreement between this strip and #1045 ultimately inspired 5433: When Jon Really Met Liz, which went even further back into Garfield's predecessor strip, Jon.
The author writes[edit | edit source]
If one goes to the archive and looks at Liz's first appearance, the 2012 strip I've fixed here is doubly wrong; not only does it get what she says to Jon wrong, he wasn't even wearing a tie in the 1979 strip. (Technically, her first words are "Who's next please?" (said to woman at the front desk) and "Liz", but I chose to use the first complete sentence she says to Jon.)
[Admin note: We received this submission just a few hours after yesterday's comic, which itself arrived on the same day as the original Garfield strip was published. Obviously both contributors were equally inspired to go look up Liz's first words, but with different results. So we decided to publish both.]
Original strips: 1979-06-27, 2012-03-02.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon: Remember when we first met?
Jon: Remember the first thing you said to me?
Liz: It's short for Lizard?
Jon: Okay, the second thing.