1104: 2field

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Made by: tardis2334

Explanation[edit | edit source]

3eanuts is a webcomic based on Peaunuts in which the same edit is applied to every strip: the removal of the final panel. As daily Peanuts strips are often four panels, this results in three panels, hence its name. Applying the same kind of edit to Garfield typically results in 2-panel strips, and indeed, does, in the strips selected for this edit.

Feel-wise, 3eanuts purports that the punchline in a Peanuts comic conceals the existential despair; without it, "despair pervades all." In this edit, taking the first six dailies of 2012:

  • Instead of settling for a cookie, Garfield just doesn't show back up again.
  • Without Garfield's final remark to turn the scene on its head, the resulting strip seems rather sweet... if not for Jon's surprised at being so treated.
  • Without Garfield's final remark, his expression in the second panel could be interpreted as shock. Was Garfield hoping to annoy Liz? Did he even realize he was looking at her?
  • Instead of explaining why Garfield can't speak seriously to Odie, he just doesn't speak again.
  • Jon's speculation and Garfield's... reassurance? ...are removed, leaving only the scenario.
  • The final strip used works surprisingly well, as all that's removed is the end result of stepping on Garfield's tail.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Inspired by the webcomic 3eanuts. Deleting the punchlines suddenly gives the strip a new feeling.

Original strips: 2012-01-02, 2012-01-03, 2012-01-04, 2012-01-05, 2012-01-06, 2012-01-07.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: I seek truth!
{empty panel}
{Garfield walks up to Jon}
Garfield {patting Jon on the back}: Don't ever change, Jon!
{Garfield and Liz look at each other}
Liz: It's nice to be stared at by you, Garfield.
Garfield: Odie, I would like to speak seriously with you.
Jon: Sometimes I wonder...
Jon: I wonder what life would be like without you.
Jon: Remember that time I stepped on your tail?
Garfield {angry}: The important thing is that you remember it.