1171: Lunafield
Lunafield |
Made by: Garfunkel |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The author's edit adds a screenshot from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode "Luna Eclipsed". For context, Luna (the depicted pony) is feared throughout the land for a number of reasons, one of which being her total lack of social skills. The event pictured is specifically from when she plays a carnival game involving tossing a spider onto a web from a distance. She enjoys it despite her unfamiliarity with the concept (shortly beforehand she remarks "What is this fun thou speakest of?"), and after playing a different game famously declares "Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!" (Do note that the line comes some time after the moment shown in the screenshot.)
In the comic, this earnest exclamation follows Garfield's dry sarcasm; he was having no fun with one ball of yarn, so now he can have twice as much with two.
Also worth noting: the description is just "Joke explanation", with no actual explanation included. Things like this are why this wiki was formed.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
Joke explanation.
Original strip: 2000-10-03.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon: Here's another ball of yarn!
{Garfield stares at the two balls of yarn}
Garfield: Twice the fun.