131: Garfield: Lost in Translation Minus Garfield

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Garfield: Lost in Translation Minus Garfield
Made by: tudza

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Garfield: Lost in Translation is a blog where Garfield strips are translated into Japanese, then back to English, with the resulting dialogue being significantly stranger. The strip takes one of these translated strips and applies the Garfield Minus Garfield approach to it, removing all appearances of Garfield.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

As Jon begins to lose his ability to speak coherently, the tragedy of his existence increases.

Auto-translation from the Japanese and back - http://garfieldlostintranslation.blogspot.com/2009/06/garfield-lost-in-translation-6309.html

Original strip: 2009-06-03

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Everything where I buy it is and the chi goes.
Jon: It is strange but. Still shortcake there that.
SFX: Criticism.