1335: Jon's Chat Screen X

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Jon's Chat Screen X
Made by: TheMadb

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Another ChatMouth strip; in this one, Jon is immediately sniffed out and vicariously insulted by "Madd0x", clearly a stand-in for one George "Maddox" Ouzounian. (This is presumably where the "X" from the title comes from.) Maddox runs the popular website The Best Page in the Universe, which is mostly comprised of rants against various topics, always written in an inflammatory, caustic style. Among them is an article about Garfield's lack of quality, and the dialogue here is compiled from three different statements from said article:

As if one criminally boring comic after another wasn't enough to dull your senses, "Garfield: The Movie" is poised to hit theaters this summer. [Note: the article was originally published in January of 2004.]

'When he's not licensing the hell out of Garfield with toys, bags, napkins, paper cups, socks, and probably tampons, Davis takes a break from whoring out his creation to occasionally write a new strip.

For those of you who never receive greeting cards, Garfield is the orange merchandising turd that creator Jim Davis pinches out every Sunday in newspapers around the world, traumatizing millions with his bland humor week after tragic week.

While Jim Davis is probably fairly used to such statements (if he knows about them at all), Jon is much more vulnerable and simply logs off.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The criticism here is cut-up and put into one sentence from Maddox' [sic] website "The Best Page In The Universe," (warning: coarse language) and is from his rant (warning: coarse language) about the Garfield comic strip and Jim Davis. Jim has a pretty resilient ego, but if Jon were hit with this sort of ire, I think he'd fold up into a little ball of cry. [sic]

Based on SRoMG #164, #1272, and #1284.

Original strip: 1999-12-03.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A "ChatMouth" chat room window}
<Stephan0 has entered the chat room>
Stephan0: My name is Stephano. I am very rich and macho.
Stephan0: Anyone want to chat?
Madd0x: I call bull***t. I bet you are neither rich nor macho. I bet you're some pathetic comic strip writer who pens one criminally boring comic after another when you're not licensing the hell out of your creation, putting it on toys, bags, napkins, paper cups, socks and tampons, traumatizing millions with your bland humor week after tragic week.
<Stephan0 has left the chat room>