1355: Can't Stop Thinking About It

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Can't Stop Thinking About It
Made by: MadDogBV

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip plays off of a typo in the original ("I can't stop thinking about that ham in the the fridge") by turning it into a sort of mantra for Garfield, as he is quite literally unable to stop thinking about it. In a bit of irony, unbeknownst to him, Jon has already eaten the ham.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Garfield's obsession over food can put even human love to shame.

Original strips: 2008-11-15, 1991-09-06.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Garfield, all I think about is Liz.
Jon: I can't think about anything else.
Garfield: I know what you mean.
Garfield: I can't get my mind off that ham in the fridge the fridge
Garfield: The fridge the fridge the fridge the fridge the
{cut to Garfield in his bed}
Garfield: Fridge the fridge the fridge the fridge the
Jon: {thinking} Should I tell him I ate the ham?