152: Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Jon Minus Odie Minus Nermal Minus Arlene Minus Lyman Minus Liz Minus Pookie

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Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Jon Minus Odie Minus Nermal Minus Arlene Minus Lyman Minus Liz Minus Pookie
Made by: Colin Foster

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip is an exaggeration of the Garfield Minus Garfield concept - now, every recurring character has been deleted, leaving only a dog that appeared in a single comic. (Apologies for the long title, by the way.)

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

With many of the remixes using the "Garfield Minus X" formula, I decided to do away with any and all recurring characters, leaving only this dog that appeared in one strip (2006-09-14).

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A dog standing in front of a sign that says "Beware of cats".}

Dog: Cats are mean.

Dog: {appealing to the heavens} See?

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Although this strip's title is lengthy in its own right, Square Root of Minus Garfield's Archive page lists the "shortening ellipsis" (a string formatted ". . ."), common to very lengthy titles, as this strip's entire title, presumably to not spoil this strip's twists.