164: Jon's Chat Screen
Jon's Chat Screen |
![]() Made by: Redhead64 |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
In the original strip, we only see "Stephano"'s first two lines as Jon types them at his computer. The punchline is his reaction to everyone leaving, with Garfield remarking "Nobody can empty a chat room like Stephano." Here, we see the chatroom in question, which has a host of colorful characters in it, among them including:
- "DimJavis" (a spoonerism of Jim Davis)
- "mezzacotta" (the comic which SRoMG is a subset of)
- "DMMaus" (presumably referring to mezzacotta creator David Morgan-Mar, whose email address is "dmm@dangermouse.net")
- "Redhead64" (the creator of this strip)
- "1337|-|@><0r" (who apparently is a big fan of leetspeak)
- "OverlyLongGag" (a TV Tropes page which describes jokes that go on long enough that they wrap around from tiring into being funny again, like this very strip)
- and "HalfHidden" (who, true to their name, is partially obscured)
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
For this one (from 1999-12-03), I decided to depict what's happening on Jon's computer screen. Take a look at that list!
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{A "ChatMouth" chat room window}
<Stephan0 has entered the chat room>
Stephan0: My name is Stephano. I am very rich and macho [sic]
Stephan0: Anyone want to chat?
<hawtgal has left the chat room>
<not-so-hawtgal has left the chat room>
<plainlookin'gal has left the chat room>
<unattractivegal has left the chat room>
<flat-outuglygal has left the chat room>
<DimJavis has left the chat room>
<cAPSLOCK has left the chat room>
<SumUtherGuy has left the chat room>
<mezzacotta has left the chat room>
<DMMaus has left the chat room>
<Redhead64 has left the chat room>
<BoB has left the chat room>
<1337|-|@><0r has left the chat room>
<OverlyLongGag has left the chat room>
<fla@mynFaery has left the chat room>
<YoMomma has left the chat room>
<HalfHidden has left the chat room>