167: Why So Serious? - Final Take

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Why So Serious? - Final Take
Made by: Michael Stangeland

Explanation[edit | edit source]

See also #111, #114, and #117. Here, the Joker-like Odie disappears in the last panel; this may be Garfield's doing. Or maybe he's just mocking his line from the other takes.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

As the comic title indicates, this is the last of my "How about a magic trick" jokes. I can't blame you if you've grown tired of them by this point. By the looks of things, Garfield feels the same way.

Original strip: 2004-02-01.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Odie: How about a magic trick?
Odie: I'm going to make this dinner dissappear (sic).
{Odie disappears.}
Garfield: {smugly} Ta-dah! He's... gone!