2025: Jon & Calvin

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Jon & Calvin
Made by: Edwin Chee

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

There are several Calvin and Hobbes SRoMG strips where either character interacted with Garfield, but none had Jon interacting with them at all! Here is the result. This title is a reference, and I am sure TV Tropes would figure out in a heartbeat.

It took days to make this, so that it looks presentable for all of you. Even if it required me to draw outlines of Jon from this YouTube video, it would at least made him blend in. Perhaps it would not seem obvious, but the original comic strip had been altered to accommodate Jon's height.

I guess the original strip is supposed to be funny, but imagine if Calvin's father's plan to send Calvin to the orphanage had gone through.

Original Calvin and Hobbes strip: 1987-02-01.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Title shows "Jon and Calvin by Watterson & Davis"}
{Jon and Calvin prepares to dance}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
{Calvin dances}
{Jon dances}
Calvin's Mother: Either he's playing classical music at 78 RPM, or I'm still dreaming.
Calvin's Father: First thing tomorrow morning, I'm calling the orphanage.