2026: Binky Cereal

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Binky Cereal
Made by: Sloublues

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Some cereals do make sounds when you pour milk on them; perhaps the most famous among them is Rice Krispies and its derivatives. Typically, this is a popping sound. The original strip had it making the sound of an old-timey car horn; here, it yells "HEEEEY KIDS!!", the catchphrase of Binky the Clown (who, while technically debuting in the strip itself, is far more well-known for his appearances on the animated spin-off Garfield and Friends). How it managed to make such an unorthodox noise is as unexplored as in the original, but this strip at least gives a reason why: it's Binky Puffs, so it's Binky-licensed to do so.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I support the inclusion of more Binky in Garfield.

Original strip: 1993-08-09.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: This cereal makes sounds when you pour on milk
Garfield: Could you not buy Binky Puffs next time?

Later references[edit | edit source]

  • No. 2181 features a different take on the strip, using a different "Binky".