2054: Web

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Made by: Manyhills

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, the spider's rationale for its excessively complex web was boredom. Here, it somehow got high on marijuana before weaving it. The author's note is not only a reference to the famous anti-drug PSA "This Is Your Brain on Drugs", but also shows that it's somewhat true to life. More specifically, this page at Trinity University examines a NASA experiment that gave spiders drugs and let them weave a web; the marijuana-affected spiders "made a reasonable stab at spinning webs but appeared to lose concentration about half-way through."

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This is your web. This is your web on drugs. Any questions?

Original strip: 2004-08-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield comes across a spider sitting on a garishly designed web}
Spider: I was high.
Garfield: Reeeally high.