2077: Garfield & Jon Photo Album

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Garfield & Jon Photo Album
Made by: Andrew Askew

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip addresses a perceived flaw in the 2014-09-14 Garfield strip, in which scenes implied to be in the past in a photo album were portrayed with the 2014 art style; indeed, of the five such panels, all but the panel marked 2004 are identical to one another, the panel marked 2004 different only by a presumably-phony mustache (the author called back to a 1994 strip where Garfield was shown drawing such phony mustaches). The author switched the photos for panels from strips from the listed years in the album--a panel from a 1983 strip for the panel marked 1983, one from a 1989 strip for the 1989 panel, and so on and so forth; the mustache from the original strip's "2004" panel was not recreated. Garfield's dialogue in the last panel was also reworded to allude to a known event from the strip's history, believed to be a storyline spanning from late August to late September in 1986 where Garfield and Odie had both run away from home.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The second I saw this strip I saw that it did not properly represent the years stated as many fans would see. You can see Garfield (and Jon) change significantly in the first couple of decades that the strip was alive.

I tried to find basic boring blocks of the strips of each year to follow the original strip and remove the speech bubbles, if any. It is interesting to see the intervals of each year per block, but given that Jim only had 5 blocks, he was limited. And did Jon ever have a moustache? Depends how you look at it (ref: 1994-04-28).

The last block, instead of the moustache, I wanted to mention something more significant to the series, like when Garfield ran away from home. I remember reading that portion of the strips when I was younger and everything seemed different after he returned.

Original strips: 1983-01-11, 1989-01-28, 1994-04-28, 1995-02-28, 2004-02-05, 2011-01-08, 2014-09-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A series of photos showing how Garfield and Jon have changed over the years}
Jon: Boy, have we ever had boring lives.
Garfield: Oh I don't know... Remember when I ran away?

Trivia[edit | edit source]

1994-04-28 was presumably not intended to be actually given an original strip credit; the remnants of the old crediting system does not list it. It is presumed that the method of transitioning to the current crediting system looked at the entire author's notes, not just the part corresponding to the coding of the old credit system, for links to strips, took note of a link in the author's notes proper, and credited that strip accordingly.