2087: Pudding Pops Gag Minus Base Jokes Plus Dedication

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Pudding Pops Gag Minus Base Jokes Plus Dedication
Made by: Justadoo444

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Time Strip Sent: 1:10 AM, 2014-09-20 (Wow, what a strip buffer we got through!)

This is what happens when you visit Over The Hedge comics directly after SRoMG.

Original Over The Hedge strip: 2014-09-01.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{We see Verne, RJ and Hammy (Left to right order) from the comic/movie "Over The Hedge" playing jeopardy.}
Header: Cartoon Jeopardy...
Podium 1: Verne
Podium 2: R J
Jon Arbuckle: {Offscreen} Garfield loves this food, but the SROMG admin will not tolerate it very well.
Hammy's Buzzer: Beep!
{Hammy now states his question.}
Hammy: What is "Pudding Pops"?
Jon Arbuckle: Correct!
{Then, as silhouettes...}
Verne: I knew that one!
RJ: My buzzer's not working.
Hammy: SROMG for $400, Jon!