212: (Re)create with Garfield!

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(Re)create with Garfield!
Made by: Len Pitre

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This is a recreation of a computer-related strip in the 1986 Commodore 64 software Create with Garfield! Unsurprisingly, the end result is kind of a trainwreck, as the author clearly fought against the game's limitations - the most important of which is that there is only one font available, completely destroying the joke of the original (wherein Garfield's burp is rendered in a font similar to the Westminster typeface, generally associated with early computers).

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

My idea was to see how easy it would be to recreate a Garfield comic strip in the "Create with Garfield!" comic maker for the Commodore 64. Well, I quickly found that the highly limited prop and pose selection and the user-hostile interface made it nigh impossible. I've managed this one, three screenshots stitched together, that manages to completely torpedo the joke due to the single available font if you're not using canned text.

In the process I found it was far easier to create one-panel scenes of bloodless decapitation and betrayal than it was to do anything with a punch line. Judging by the saved images on my old floppy disks, I had realised precisely this when I was a kid, too.

Strip based upon: 1980-03-20.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Computers... Everything is controlled by computers today.
Jon: That chicken you ate was even raised by a computer.
Garfield: burp

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The transcript has an error: it lists Jon's first line as "Everything is controlled by computers today" when it's actually "these days".