2179: Exty Six

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Exty Six
Made by: Lubaf

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The original strip's year was 2009. Here, the author turned the date into 20X6 and replaced Jon's head with that of Stinkoman, a character from the 20X6 era in the Homestar Runner universe.

The 20X6 era had its birth in said universe in the Strong Bad email "japanese cartoon", which satirizes stereotypical anime, as well as video games that take place in a time of obviously advanced technology which may take an unknown period of time to develop, if it ever does; thus, the creators of these media choose to give a year with the last or second-to-last digit -- or both -- replaced with "X".

At least in the Homestar Runner universe, the "X" part of the year is pronounced "exty", applying the "-ty" suffix commonly used in multiplying single-digit numbers by 10. (Granted that "1" is not done that way, and that other numbers -- 2, 3, 4 (in spelling, anyway), and 5 -- undergo more changes than that.)

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

By way of explanation.

Original strip: 2014-12-30.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Stinkoman: {Looking at Calendar} 20X6 has sure been a long year.
Garfield: We gotta get a new calendar.