2287: Romancinta

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Made by: Farhan Malek

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

When I saw the strip... a great idea came to me! Where I have included the references to the new & popular Malaysian romance song from 2014, MOJO's "Romancinta" (my favourite song): Where Liz said 'Roman' and Jon said 'Cinta', which forms the word 'Romancinta', and Garfield calling Jon 'MOJO' for that. Plus, the original strip was run when the song was newly launched & became popular to all Malaysian youngsters on that.

Original strip: 2014-06-20.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

(Jon & Liz are discussing about their desires):
Liz: I'm in the mood for ROMAN!
Jon: I'm in the mood for CINTA!
(Jon & Liz start thinking. Then):
Garfield: Good save, Mojo!