2298: Night Garfield 2

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Night Garfield 2
Made by: Justadoo444

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I saw the original strip, thought of SRoMG #273, and decided this just had to be done.

Original strip: 1987-03-03.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

(We see a dream bubble showing a very thin Garfield walking alongside a brick wall. Is this Jon's best dream ever?)
(Suddenly, Garfield slips through the grate in front of him and gets stuck up to his neck. He is yelling and his arms are flailing. We also see that this is not Jon's best dream, but Garfield's Nightmare (not the Nintendo DS game), signified by a scared, awakened Real Garfield in bed in the bottom right corner with the aforementioned grate scene in another dream bubble taking up 60% of the panel everywhere else in the panel.)
Dream Garfield: ARRRGH!
(Real Garfield has opened the fridge and is rapidly eating a lasagne, glad that the dream is over.)
Real Garfield: It was only a dream! It was only a dream! It was only a dream!