2312: A More Innocent Explanation

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A More Innocent Explanation
Made by: Lubaf

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Logical aside: Odie is too stupid to be worth gambling with in Garfield's opinion (he'd promptly forget any debts); the structure of the joke demands that he not gamble with Jon; the spiders are, to Garfield, merely rolled-up-newspaper-fodder; and while Garfield might gamble with Arlene, the person he lost the bet to is presumably in the house (either Garfield is living up to the terms of the bet, or he's hiding from his creditors). Thus, the mice are left as the only possible winners of the bet mentioned in this strip.

Side note: Did you know you could buy Garfield Lamps? Yes, those were a thing that existed. Google it, if you don't believe me.

Original strip: 1991-05-10.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon goes to sit in his chair}
{Jon realises Garfield is wearing a lampshade}
Jon: Garfield...
Garfield: I lost a bet, okay?