2326: Splatoonfield

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Made by: Camwoodstock & Tori

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Based on the rather memetic Splatoon advertisement parodies that repeat various lines.

Original strip: 1985-06-30.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: {lip syncing to record player} Shoop-Doop Boowa, Shoop-Doop Boowa...
Garfield: {still lip syncing} You're a kid now, you're a squid now!
{Jon looks on in confusion/amazement}
Garfield: You're a kid, you're a squid,
Garfield: You're a kid, you're a squid,
Garfield: You're a kid, you're a squid,
{Garfield realizes the record player is skipping, and looks at it}
Record player: You're a kid, you're a--
{Garfield slams it}
SFX: Ka-chunk!
Record player: Squid
Garfield: {continues lip syncing} Nowwwww...
{Jon looks in unamusement}