2357: Garfield Quest 1: The Lasagna Encounter
Garfield Quest 1: The Lasagna Encounter |
![]() Made by: MadDogBV |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The title and death dialog are references to the Space Quest series of games by Sierra's Two Guys from Andromeda, Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe. In them, you play space janitor Roger Wilco, who repeatedly becomes a hero only to fall back into near-anonymity between games, with only defeated (but living) foes bothering to remember him, and then only to exact revenge. The title in particular is a reference to Space Quest (Chapter) 1: The Sarien Encounter.
The series is known for its many deaths, which are accompanied by a dialog box with a death title (e.g., "Deceleration Trauma" for a fall to a hard surface), picture, and message much like the one in the comic, along with the buttons. Some to many (depending on the game) of the deaths have unique messages and , where applicable, pictures accompanying them.
Here, the death title is taken from a thought balloon which was removed from the third panel. Oddly, while the strip title refers to the first game, dialog with death messages and pictures didn't show up until Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon. They were added to the remake of The Sarien Encounter, though without death titles.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
In loving memory of the Quest series of Sierra adventure games.
Original strip: 1979-02-03.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon: Now I wouldn't say you're fat, Garfield...
Jon: But when you sit around the sofa, you sit around the sofa.
{Garfield, annoyed, kicks Jon into next Sunday.}
Death Message: "Heads, he lives. Tails, he dies."
Death Message: That cat sure has one short temper (and one amazingly powerful kick!) Maybe that wasn't quite the right thing to say to him at that point in time. On the bright side, you never knew you were this aerodynamic.
Buttons: Restore, Restart, Quit