2492: Garfield Plus Accurately-Labeled Violence

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Garfield Plus Accurately-Labeled Violence
Made by: KelpTheGreat

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I always thought Garfield's violent throttling of Jon in the original strip was too extreme for a mere wake-up call. Changing just one word reveals to us Garfield's true intentions all along. It has the added benefit of making Garfield look pleased as he dispatches his long-time owner. Makes you wonder what finally pushed the poor cat over the edge...

Original strip: 1982-11-10.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon is asleep in bed}
Caption: Garfield's Law: Cats instinctively know the precise moment their owners will awake...
{Garfield walks onto sleeping Jon}
Caption: Then they murder them ten minutes sooner
{Garfield throttles Jon}