2567: Jon Arrrbuckle

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Jon Arrrbuckle
Made by: rainy butterfly

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip takes #1303's punchline and improves on it by having the one piece of the jigsaw puzzle being a photo of One Piece protagonist Monkey D. Luffy; this appropriately makes the one piece a pun. Additionally, arr is an interjection stereotypically associated with pirates, thus making another pun in that it appears in Jon's surname.

Of note is that this strip appeared the day after #2566, which also made reference to One Piece.

The author writes[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 1997-03-07.

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield: 2012-12-12.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: I don't want to be disturbed!
Garfield: Jon's working on a jigsaw puzzle.
Garfield: Those One-Piecers can be vicious.
{Jon is staring at a piece with a picture of Monkey D. Luffy}