273: Night Garfield
Night Garfield |
Made by: Nottoostupid |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The "glaring error" of which the admin speaks is probably more of a colorist's error than directly Jim's fault; while Jon explicitly says it's "the middle of the night", the part of the sky that can be seen is the light blue of day in the original. This edit corrects this, turning it black.
The coloring error in question notably long affected the version on the garfield.com archive--an observation by one user on the Garfield wiki on Fandom implies it was corrected very late in the archive's existence, so late in its existence in that most archives of that archive still have the error version, with the rare corrected version being available on the aforementioned Garfield wiki--and still affects the version on the secure-domain mirror on what was once the now-busted images.ucomics.com domain. The main GoComics archive, usually the subject of its own coloring criticisms, actually colors the sky somewhat realistically, more in line with the late-era corrected garfield.com version.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
Admin note: The author supplied no comment with this submission. It took me several minutes to work out what had been changed from the original strip (1995-07-28).
And then I realised what he'd done was to correct a glaring error in the original strip. What was Jim Davis thinking??
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon: Garfield, it's the middle of the night!
Jon: What are you doing?!
Jon: And what's that smell?
Garfield: Barbecuing an owl.