2769: Garfield in Denial
Garfield in Denial |
Made by: Natty |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
...you see why I had to do this, right? There's a nice correlation between this strip and 1989-10-28 (from the infamous "Halloween" arc); so I guess SRoMG #1929 takes this idea full circle.
Original strips: 1989-10-28, 2014-11-22.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon: It's hard to keep up with all the changes in the world.
Garfield: I hear you.
Garfield: You should do what I do...
{Garfield is holding two pudding pops}
Garfield: Pretend they never happened.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
1989-10-28 was presumably not intended to be given a full strip credit; the remnants of the old crediting system (not listed in this recreation for brevity) do not list that strip as a credit, and the current crediting system likely credits it due to the entire author's notes, which included a link to that strip, being looked over in transition instead of just the coding for the old crediting system.