2968: The Intergalactic Consequences of Memes

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The Intergalactic Consequences of Memes
Made by: Crazy56U

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Just to get this out of the way, the quote boxes are like that because that's how I imagine they would be on Gazorpazorp and definitely not because I got lazy at the end.

¹For those who never saw the episode (let alone the Gazorpazorpfield segment), that is actually the name of the Jon analogue. Why they would only change Garfield's name, I do not know...

Original Rick and Morty episode: "Rixty Minutes".

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon¹: Gazorpazorpfield, you seriously need to lighten up. After all, the world is constantly chan-
Gazorpazorpfield: {angry} Don't you DARE quote that "Minus Garfield" meme to me!
{Gazorpazorpfield kicks over Jon's cup of coffee}
{the coffee has spilled over Jon's newspaper}
Gazorpazorpfield: {glares and points at Jon} Now get me my enchiladas...

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This strip's transcript and author's notes were hit with mojibake errors in a later site recoding effort; the original transcript and author's notes unaffected by mojibake are currently lost to the public due to this.