2976: A Really Ugly Lamp

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A Really Ugly Lamp
Made by: Midna

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Several possibilities here: either Garfield is so used to Odie's shenanigans after almost 40 years that he now treats him as a mere prop and no better than a really ugly lamp; the bucket-headed Odie looks so much like a really ugly lamp that he managed to trick Garfield; or that actually is a really ugly lamp. You can decide for yourself which is funnier.

Have I used the phrase "really ugly lamp" enough yet?

Original strip: 2015-07-22.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield walks along the table.}
Garfield: What is that?
{He approaches Odie with a bucket on his head... or is it?}
Garfield: Ah, it's a really ugly lamp.
{Garfield leaves without a second thought.}