3003: And Its Name Was The Cole Slaw That Time Forgot
And Its Name Was The Cole Slaw That Time Forgot |
![]() Made by: randomdude |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
If you're sick of this meme at this point, I apologize in advance, but the idea of applying it to Garfield entered my head and before I knew it, I had made this.
Also, who knew that all of the world's wrestlers lived in Jon's fridge? I certainly didn't.
John Cena pictures used are from the "And His Name Is John Cena" clip used to "Cena-roll" people, as uploaded by YouTube user Brad Ling here.
Original strips: 1985-10-20, 1985-12-03, 1986-03-15, 1987-07-19.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{Garfield nervously opens a refrigerator}
Garfield: This could be any refrigerator, maybe yours.
Garfield: Deep within the frozen wastes it lurks...
Garfield: Ancient mayonnaise, fossilized cabbage, slowly mutating over untold eons, gradually achieving consciousness...
Garfield: Until that terrible day when it is unleashed upon an unsuspecting world:
Announcer: JOHN CENA!!
Garfield: AYIEEE!
{John Cena chases Garfield to the ring and they have a wrestling match. Cena scores an easy win.}
{Sudden cut back to Jon's house}
Jon: Cute, Garfield. Now finish cleaning out the refrigerator.
Garfield: Quiet, fool! You'll wake up the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
On Square Root of Minus Garfield itself, the link to the John Cena clip expands onto the ]] code left over from the old-style crediting system; that code was not re-created in an effort to make the author's notes section less redundant, and the current-style crediting system for Garfield strips being used in the recreation on this wiki.