3015: Unprovoked
Unprovoked |
![]() Made by: Manyhills |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
In the original Garfield strip, Jon is going out, and the women will be hysterical over him. Jon asks Garfield what he thinks of his attire. Garfield looks at Jon's outfit and says that it's hysterical. Garfield also thinks it could use some alteration. Garfield ticks Jon's tie into Jon's mouth and then adds some vents in his sleeves. Garfield tells the readers that a smart cat knows just how far to go without crossing over the line. Then Garfield puts a more rakish tilt on the hat. Garfield is now thrown out of a window.
Here, Jon is going out, and the women will be hysterical over him. Garfield just sits there. Jon throws Garfield out of a window.
The author makes a reference to The Wolf and The Lamb where he says that the lesson is: Tyrants need no excuse.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
The lesson of the fable of The Wolf and The Lamb is: Tyrants need no excuse.
Original strip: 1981-03-29.
Original Square Root of Minus Garfield: 2017-03-16, 2017-08-19.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon: I'm going out, Garfield. The women will be hysterical over me.
{Jon throws Garfield out of a closed window}