3017: Lon(g) Arbuckle

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Lon(g) Arbuckle
Made by: Camwoodstock & Tori

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I... I honestly don't know.

Original strip: 2015-05-24.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A list of images of Jon's images throughout school.}
{Kindergarden through Grade 7 are all normal, except...}
{Come Grade 9, Jon is extending starting at his belly button and growing like a noodle all the way up into the sky?}
{We cut to present day; Jon is wearing a VERY long shirt, and is presumably huge; so large that his arms and chest are taking up the whole picture!}
Jon: That's when I hit my growth spurt.
Garfield: Right when they were taking the picture?