3033: Like a big American car, but misspelled with a T

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Like a big American car, but misspelled with a T
Made by: Ronaldo Rottenus

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, Garfield is watching television, and explaining about it. He says that television should be more informative and more intellectually stimulating. He also says he's going to start a movement for more socially aware television programming but he'll have to wait as soon as he's finished watching "The Beach Creature annoys Sandra Dee".

In this strip, the fanart of Heathcliff and the Gang on DeviantArt, is shown in this strip. Then it cuts to Garfield watching television. Garfield says Cleo is cute and Sonja is cuter. Garfield thinks Heathcliff looks like his cousin that he forgets even exists nowadays.

The title is a reference to the song called Cardiac Arrest by Madness.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 1980-04-17.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Fanart of the main characters of the Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats cartoon is seen}
Garfield: Cleo is cute. Sonja is cuter. Yet Heathcliff looks like my cousin that I forget even exists nowadays.