3051: I ate your dinner

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I ate your dinner
Made by: Jason Tank

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Taking inspiration from Days of Rotated Punchlines Seven, I found a Garfield randomizer and pulled out sixteen panels from various strips, then substituted Garfield's text with the phrase "I ate your dinner" (sometimes adding an exclamation point if appropriate), just to see what would happen.

I then organized them on a grid by how realistic the dialogue seemed coming from Garfield at that moment, and also by how threatened (or unnerved) I felt by Garfield delivering that line in that situation. YMMV.

Original strips: 1980-11-18, 1981-03-03, 1983-01-07, 1986-07-08, 1987-01-08, 1990-10-11, 1991-08-19, 1992-09-26, 1993-03-19, 1995-09-18, 1996-01-17, 1996-12-28, 2002-07-15, 2004-01-14, 2004-10-13, 2004-11-23, 2006-04-08, 2016-02-24.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A chart labeled "I Ate Your Dinner", with single comic panels distributed across it. The X-axis shows how threatening the comic is. The Y-axis shows how realistic the comic is.}
Note at bottom: "Realistic" refers to how in-character it would be for Garfield to make this statement.
Note at bottom: "Threatening" refers to how disturbed I am by Garfield making this statement in this situation.

{Panels will be noted by estimated coordinates in the form XtYr, where X is the amount of "threatening" and Y is the amount of "realistic". Amounts range from 0 to 100. 0t0r is non-threatening and non-realistic. 100t100r is extremely threatening and realistic.}

Panel 1 (2t95r) {Jon has hung up a phone and looks cunning.}
Jon: I must talk faster!
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 2: (25t80r) {Garfield and an old gray tabby are talking.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.
Cat: You might say the honeymoon's over.

Panel 3 (55t75r) {Garfield calls angrily to the left while Jon looks at us, annoyed.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner!

Panel 4 (100t100r) {Jon is surprised, sitting on a recliner, legs up and extended. Garfield is in his lap, angry.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 5 (0t68r) {Jon is looking at Garfield and Odie, who each have an arm up on a table that's covered in crumbs.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.
Odie (speaking): Meow

Panel 6 (80t65r) {Garfield is sitting in a chair, pointing at us.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 7 (57t57r) {Jon is yelling at a phone. Garfield is looking at us.}
Jon: Her ANSWERING MACHINE hung up on me!
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 8 (30t50r) {Garfield is looking grumpily at himself in a mirror.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 9 (95t45r) {Garfield is in front of a birdhouse, smiling wickedly. He is making a come-hither motion with his fingers.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.
Voice (from inside birdhouse): No!

Panel 10 (45t35r) {Jon is walking away to the left. Garfield is facing us, arms wide, very close to the frame.}
Jon: I withdraw the question.
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 11 (2t30r) {Garfield is kneeling on a fence, arm and head splayed back dramatically as if singing loudly.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner!

Panel 12 (75t25r) {Garfield is looking at us, smiling, holding a jar of olives in one hand. His other hand is outstretched, with his claws exposed.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner.

Panel 13 (30t20r) {Jon has stopped brushing his teeth to look at Garfield and Odie, his mouth full of suds. Garfield is pushing Odie away, alarmed.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner!

Panel 14 (5t5r) {Garfield is on a fence. The left side is on fire. The right side has just been hit with a flaming arrow, startling Garfield. Smoke is filling the air.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner!

Panel 15 (50t5r) {Garfield is excitedly shoving his teddy bear into a punchbowl of purple liquid.}
Garfield: I ate your dinner!

Panel 16 (100t5r) {Garfield is shambling towards Jon, drooling, tongue hanging out, left eye open crazily, right eye shut. Jon is alarmed.}
Garfield (speaking): I ate your dinner.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

A discrepancy exists between the old and new crediting systems, where the old system credits seventeen original Garfield strips and the new system credits eighteen original Garfield strips; 2006-04-08 is credited only in the latter and not the former (the new crediting system is the only one replicated in this article to reduce redundancy). Despite 2006-04-08 being credited only in one of the crediting systems, this strip itself implies that strip to be correctly credited (as Panel 1 in this strip's transcript)--2002-07-15 is the one that appears to be the original Garfield strip credited in error, as no elements from that strip appears in this strip (2016-02-24, despite not contributing any panels, contributes the "I ate your dinner" line seen throughout this strip).