3075: Dan DeGarflo
Dan DeGarflo |
![]() Made by: Dr. Manny |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The title of this strip makes reference to the legendary artist Dan DeCarlo, who is best known for having developed (or, to a respect, improved upon) the signature style of the Archie comic books. In addition, the author makes references to Attack of the 50-Foot Woman and The Shrinking Man, both of which involve a protagonist coming into contact with a malevolent force and becoming far different sizes than normal as a result - the notion of Betty being larger than Garfield's house but believing that she herself is normal sized and that the house is tiny also connects to both of these stories.
This is also the first SRoMG strip to reference iToons, a sister series whose purpose is to remix comics other than Garfield; it actually forms part of the basis of the plot, as the strip would've fit better on iToons without the Garfield panel.
The author writes[edit | edit source]
Garfield was supposed to make a reference to Attack of the 50-Foot Woman, but he forgot the script for today's SRoMG strip. At the same time, Betty forgot her script for iToons (which contained a reference to Richard Matheson's The Shrinking Man), so she had to improvise by going through the dimensional rift into SRoMG.
Original strip: 1985-09-16.
Image of Betty is from this page.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Betty Cooper {who, for some reason, is gigantic}: Omigosh! It's a tiny house!
Jon: You gonna tell her she's on the wrong site?
Garfield: She'll figure it out.